Tuesday, 21 May 2019


It's hard to be waiting. With no confirmed dates, we cannot plan anything. It seems so frustrating... M and I were sharing our lessons on 1 Samuel. David had been anointed as next king. However, Saul was not dead yet. While David was on the run from Saul, who was pursuing him out of jealousy, he was presented with 2 opportunities to kill Saul and then ascend the throne. But twice, he chose not to kill the Lord's anointed. He would rather be on the run and wait for God to deal with Saul Himself. This patience and waiting on the Lord- I need to learn that! The Lord will deal with our matters.

Sunday, 12 May 2019

Mother's Day...

Over this weekend as we celebrate and give thanks for mummies, I felt ashamed as I sat in church and this thought came to me. This is my 3rd mother's day, and I was expecting to have some flowers or token of appreciation from M (of course right, since E is only 2, I cannot expect anything from him). I had this same feeling last year and the year before. When nothing came, I was a little unhappy- I felt unappreciated and undermined. I realised that I often have this thought too when I think about me giving up my career to be a homemaker in Geneva. Does M think it is easy to be a stay home mom? Does he not realise that I'm the one with the short end of the stick?? In the midst of my self pity, my self righteous thoughts, another thought came... But M is shouldering most of the responsibilities of ensuring we will have enough to eat, wear and live. He will be the sole breadwinner. My job as a stay home mom will be predictable, but he will face uncertainties in this new job. Yes, being a mom is not easy, but right now, M's contribution as husband and dad is even harder. And him being the best dad and husband is enough mother's day gift for me. So, I felt ashamed for thinking that I was unappreciated and undermined. If anything, it was me who has undermined the father of E. 

Anyhow, I had a wonderful lunch and time with my family. Being a mom is definitely not one person's job. I could not have done it without the help of our families. 💖