Thursday, 28 November 2019

E's first masterpiece

Here’s E’s first artwork!! I’m gonna keep it forever (hahaha probably won’t happen). We went for term review with his school teacher recently and she asked for feedback. I told her that i notice he doesn't seem to like doing artwork as i see other kids bringing paintings home but not E. The next day, she brought me into the classroom and showed me some stuff he made 😆... 

He's growing so fast... He even can request for his favourite food now- he kept asking me if i cooked chicken macaroni and if i could do it, so i made that for lunch for him today. He even reminded before he left the house to cook for him. 😏 

Treasuring the changing seasons, falling leaves... 💗


Got this nice package from home!! So happy! Really thank God for family support esp in the last 2 weeks when M was overseas. I’ve been calling my parents and sis every lunch time to help me entertain E (read him books he left behind and show him around their home) while I feed him lunch. It’s always hard coz school drains him and he’s so tired and cranky when he gets home. So they’ve been such lifesavers to me at lunch. 😅

Then M’s Sister came the second week so it was nice to have some adult company (not to mention more help with E 😁). We also got down to buying the induction cooker so we could eat hotpot together - perfect for cold weather!

Ah, home comforts... sad... my pig ears are running out 😟 and they only arrived yesterday afternoon!!!

Tuesday, 19 November 2019


On school days, i push E in a pram. It's easy going to school due to the downhill journey- the pram practically pulls me. However, the return journey is TOUGH. As he grows, i can't carry him for long as i used to be able to. The pram helps but to push both the pram and E up the hill to get home- it makes my heart pound so hard and my lungs feel emptied of air. I have to tell E to stop talking to me because i am not sure if i can make it home. 😵

Makes me think of what i have been reading in a book recently:
"The righteousness God seeks is a persistent righteousness, a commitment to continue making the right decision even when, perhaps hourly, you feel being pulled in the opposite direction. Holiness is far more than an inclination toward occasional acts of kindness and charity; it is a commitment to persistently surrender to God." (Gary Thomas, Sacred Marriage)

It's a tough call, but we just have to keep walking... keep trying... and eventually make it home. 👣

Wednesday, 13 November 2019

New discoveries!

Yesterday, we went with E's classmate and her parents to discover a new place called a ludotheque. It's a toy library where kids can play for free or rent games to bring home for 30 CHF a year. Another mom told me she brings her daughter there on Wednesdays when there is no school so i was keen to check it out. It's amazing!! There was like a little people's kitchen with all the normal household things, even an ironing board, iron, broom, vacuum cleaner... E and J were so happy! That's them in the kitchen cooking.

There's also a small post office with fake letters, parcels and a cash register. E played and played, he even forgot his mid morning teabreak. 😄

There were librarians keeping the toys as the kids messed them up. We went quite early so it was pleasant with few kids for the first hour. By 11am, the place was mad... Crazy toddlers fighting over the toys and throwing things around. So we took off for lunch! Our friends took us to the Palace of Nations - you need a special pass to enter and as diplomats, they were allowed to bring guests. It was ASEAN week so the cafeteria was selling Nasi Lemak!! 😋

Of course, it was not original original, but for me, close enough!! I enjoyed it. E came home and crashed! I think this idea of Ludotheques are pretty cool!! They'll probably be seeing more of E and i in the coming days... 😉😆

Friday, 8 November 2019

Beep Beep!

Finally! The 🚗 came this week. We purchased it 3 weeks back and was hoping to get it the same week. How our hearts sank when the dealer told us the traffic police could not accept the vehicle registration as our home address was wrong. Disappointed, we had to run to the canton office to get it changed and it took 2 weeks!! Yes, just to change the address. 

However, we are glad to finally have it, and just nice, with M on leave to collect it. It is our first car and so we are really excited about it. It's nice to finally be able to do groceries in France without killing my cartilages walking across the Swiss-French border (to save money). And to go to church on time, without having to check the Sunday bus schedules (bus intervals are half hourly on Sundays). 😊