My thanksgiving for last week- God saved me from a near car accident. After dropping M at work, i was on the way home. I assumed i had the right of way going straight but a car from the side road was coming out pretty fast. I was thinking i should stop and let him go, but i had some body-brain disconnection when i was panicking. My foot was stuck on the accelerator. Half of me thinking i had to stop, half of me thinking i had the right of way. 😱😱😱
Good thing he stopped and i passed. He was almost into the right side of the car. He horned me so badly. I deserved it. I froze in the car thinking of what could have been if he had not stopped. It scares me. God's grace is immeasurable. Whenever i think of how i'm living on borrowed time, i'm not upset when disruptions come or when i don't feel efficient. It's a reminder of how I should be living everyday. It's my daily battle but this wake up call helped me get into perspective again.
It helped me also be more patient with my teenager 😆. I can't understand this boy... He got a smack on his bottom for throwing a tantrum and he asks me defiantly "i am your child so why do you beat me?"??! Madness. I had no answer for that. All i could think of was how i never asked my mom this question so how does this guy come up with this?? Yesterday he asked me what was for lunch and i told him "spinach mushroom quesadillas". His reply was "why we always eat that?"..... 😕 teenager in a toddler's body.