Sunday, 20 October 2019

Crazy week...

It's been a crazy week for us. M's dad came, then our classmate. I was tour guide and thank God everything flowed nicely. Though the house was full to the brim, the company was so nice. Our friend left yesterday and today, MIL and FIL went to Zurich for a short trip. So suddenly, the house is quiet. Also just realised next week is school holiday for E (yeah i've been too blur- there was a notice on the school door and i totally missed it. I only found out thru talking with the other mommies at the Harvest Supper 😱). This means it's me and him alone!! Thrown in the deep end.  Yay. Haha... tbc...

1 comment:

  1. You made it to the end of the week <3!!!!! Have a good rest :)
