Wednesday, 6 January 2021

The start of 2021

 I decided E needed a haircut before school opens... #mybad 😭😱😲 He squirmed a little but the final part when I shaved off half his fringe was because i became too ambitious. M was horrified. So was I. I could not look at him for awhile, waves of guilt wash over me each time he grins at me... I am the worst mom ever, I think to myself. He looks like a kid with tinea capitis (fungal infection of the scalp).  

Poor kid, still doesn't know what has happened...

Made this for New Year's dinner with our friends, nasi lemak!

We made some good friends here and they will be returning to SG in April... Will miss their company for a few months. Each time we meet up for dinner and talk about the impending return, it's a bit sad. They had to run some errands that day and left their kid with me for the morning. We made minion cupcakes together- it was not too chaotic. PHEW!!

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